Why Should I Choose An Green Burial?
The advantage and disadvantages of an eco-friendly green funeral
Before I start this, I want to make something clear. I am
not a die-hard eco-warrior. I drive a car, I don't grow my own vegetables, I
eat meat (in fact I ADORE meat) and I'm probably not as eco-friendly as I could
However, I am aware of 'the green issue' and of the
environment, and I do try to make choices in my day to day life that help the
planet. This is a simple as walking rather than driving now and again, trying
to recycle, and making an effort to try and use eco-friendly companies.
The various religions of the world have different versions
of what happens when we die, but the majority agree that our planet is a
precious thing that needs preserving. It is a limited resource that can't be
exploited forever without consequences.
If we were all to make a small change though, it would literally
change the world. It's easy to say 'Even if i do change, it won't matter, it's
China and India's fault!' but then nothing will change. When it comes to global
warming, and saving the planet, individuals can make a difference.
A decision that I have made is on that effects me after I
have died, the decision to have a green funeral. To me, this is an incredibly
easy choice, that has a minimal impact on my life, whilst the benefits to the
planet are huge.
Personally, the idea of cutting down a tree that has taken
years to grow, so it can be used to make a coffin that is then either cremated
or buried is madness. The alternative is a green, eco coffin. Typically made
from fast growing plants such as willow or bamboo, they offer a fantastic
alternative to hard wood coffins. As these materials grow so quickly (Bamboo
can grow nearly one metre in just 24 hours!) they are far more sustainable than
traditional coffin materials. Certain plants such as Abaca also have the
benefit of absorbing more carbon dioxide than it emits. This is why my company Caring
Coffins supplies eco friendly coffins.
Whilst still not mainstream in the UK, green funerals are
growing in popularity and in other parts of the world are now mainstream. One
of the main benefits of an environmentally friendly funeral is the cost. As the
materials used are sustainable, they are also significantly cheaper. A bamboo
coffins can be bought for £350 (a typical example can be found here), whilst a traditional coffin is easily in excess
of a thousand pounds. Personally, I prefer the look of an eco coffin as well. Bamboo and willow make truly beautiful coffins. The more natural, homespun aesthetic seems more fitting for a coffin.
Whilst a green burial isn't for everyone, it is a viable
option that people should be aware of. It isn't for die-hard 'tree huggers' but
is something that should be considered by anyone who wants to leave the planet
in good condition for future generations.
Alex Wilcox is Founder of Caring Coffins